Cari Smiley
Chief operating Officer
Cari Smiley
Cari Smiley is the Chief Growth Officer (GCO) for JHNA. Cari has over twenty-five years of industry experience to include managing a portfolio of prime contracts and subcontracts for the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corp, U.S. Coast Guard, Customs & Border Protection (CBP), and NASA.
Cari’s vast experience includes developing business strategies to ensure continuous growth, developing a robust opportunity pipeline, implementing best practices, processes, and policies that provide value to employees, and refining business office functions, and structures to best serve a growing organization. She is a positive agent of change.
Cari holds a Bachelor of Science in English with a minor in Business from the University of Maryland University College (UMUC). She is active in industry groups that are committed to providing solutions to the warfighter.